studio e is proud to present In Advance of a Visit, an exhibition of new paintings and drawings by New York-based artist Matt Jones, his first with the gallery.

The works in In Advance of a Visit energize the mythical (medieval illumination, dream visions, folklore) through Jones’s attention to the local (old-growth forests, landscape architecture, and communal gardens in Northern Manhattan). An eye hovers in the background, as the poet’s face becomes a landscape, and bats become butterflies, butterfly wings, eyes, windows, the pages of a book. Long since extinguished candles nest under heavy clouds in a Prussian blue sky, the idea of their light lingering, where a broken wrought-iron fence wilts like a flower at the edge of the canvas. The candles are less domestic objects than arboreal entities. The tree stumps are antediluvian beings, their rings expressions of an entire life pulsing against the edge of the pictorial frame. The tree stumps, rooted in thought-feelings of climate catastrophe, erode the art historical assumption of the human subject (and the borders and binaries engendered by it), tendering the possibility of multiple simultaneous perspectives. Recurring symbols are correlated into a dynamic narrative experience. The paintings invite the viewer into each pictorial moment through perspectival instability, narrative ambiguity, and the urgency of the paint handling. There is the promise of story, and yet, the story is not predetermined, it is contingent and alive to the viewer’s presence.

Jones has had many one or two person shows including Galerie Jerome Pauchant (Paris), Freight + Volume Gallery (New York), Horton Gallery (Berlin), Castor Gallery (New York), The Richard Massey Foundation (New York), and Bleecker Street Art Club (New York. He has participated multiple art fairs including NADA Miami (The Hole, New York), Spring Break Art Fair (Old School, Brooklyn), Miami Project (Driscoll Babcock, New York) and a solo presentation at Art Brussels (Bodson Gallery, Brussels). His work has been displayed in numerous group shows including Robert Miller (New York), Soy Capitán (Berlin), Olympia (New York), Anonymous (Mexico City & New York), Driscoll Babcock Gallery (New York), ADA Gallery (Richmond, VA), Dorfman Projects (New York), Tibet House (New York), The Varsity (Brooklyn), Galleri Geo (Bergan, Norway), Grey East (East Hampton, NY), The Artbridge Drawing Room (New York), Gildar Gallery (Beverly Hills, CA), Fiebach Minninger (Cologne), Exit Art (New York), and The Hole (New York). He has done performances at Essex Flowers (New York), Anonymous (New York), Artist Space (New York), and Creative Time (New York).

Jones attended the Yale University School of Art Summer School of Painting—Norfolk on an Ellen Battell Stoeckel Grant (2001), earned a BFA from Cooper Union (2002), and received an MFA at Hunter College (2021). In 2007 he founded Puppy American, a small independent press which publishes artist books, zines, poetry, and organizes exhibitions, focusing on collaboration. He lives and works in New York City with his partner, young child, and greyhound.

Ecphoric Wonderland
Opening Reception:
Thursday, March 14th from 6-9pm
Gallery Hours:
Saturdays 12-5pm and by appointment
March 9, 2024 - April 6, 2024

Heather Drayzen, Matt Jones, In June Park

Ecphoric Wonderland features the work of Heather Drayzen, Matt Jones, and In June Park. This exhibition deals with symbolism, spiritual values, and disorienting realities in dreamlike ways. The paintings in this exhibition stand as symbols and references to the individual who created them and to their viewer. When thinking about what “reality” is in context to painting, is one to read into the painted surface as a new, perceived reality, or can the painting as an object itself be something real? This group of painters explores visual references in a perceived reality through a literal and theoretical painted surface.

The Innerworld of the Outerworld of the Innerworld 

• André Butzer, Eric PS Degenhardt, Sophie von Hellermann, Matt Jones, Lee Piechocki, Dana Schutz, Mònica Subidé, Grace Weaver • 


Earlier, in younger years, in this so-called world of signs, in which every sign is enlarged and nature appears stunted in comparison to these signs, back then I still thought this would be the way the eyes wandered all by themselves, just to where the ears went regarding acoustic signals. But I have long since come away from this. The world of signs, not necessarily the one of advertising, hurts me—unless I find my own sign, that is, I discover the sign of an innocent thing, of a self-contained thing, validating it, so to speak, beyond itself.

Peter Handke

Incessantly we perceive. Incessantly we communicate. But what do we really see? What do we feel? What speaks to us? What do we express? And from where? Completely beside or all by ourselves? World and self have become strangers not only to each other, but rather to themselves. There seems to be nothing to hold on to. Everything falters unfamiliarly or just fades.

But maybe, the porous outside and the closed inside are mutually dependant. Not separate, but complementary parts of the same spatial experience. Fragile, yet whole. Possible abode would be neither in one nor in the other extreme, but in their center, balancing and equilibrating everything that passes through. In such mindful and reciprocal reference, world and self are able to re-connect. Image and sensation fit together anew.

With THE INNERWORLD OF THE OUTERWORLD OF THE INNERWORLD, Soy Capitán is pleased to address the complex connexion of nature and landscape, body and perception, in the humble simplicity of works on paper. The exhibition brings together a variety of individual voices and gazes. Each piece appears as a careful getting acquainted and familiarization with the world surrounding and the self fulfilling us. At the same time, each work reveals an encompassing reality, always newly created:

Places inscribed in color and movement. Windows as blind in-betweens, staring back at us. The ever-changing rise and fall of light and things. Absurd nocturnal accumulations. The constant blurring of impressions and reflections. Fractured self-observations, as blunt as delicate. The tenderness of a ceaseless blossoming. And the intricately inverse relations between you and me.

An exhibition conceived by Heike Tosun, Sophie Prager and Christian Malycha.